As a company, we always strive to create products that not only meet the needs of our customers but also make a positive impact on their lives. And there’s nothing more fulfilling than hearing the incredible stories of how our products have helped our customers in times of need.

One such story is that of our friend and valued customer, Alan. In his 50s and enjoying a night out, Alan experienced breathing issues while driving home. Scared and confused, he decided to push his Ted Alert button. And within a short response time, he received the help he needed.

As he was driving into his home, the ambulance turned up, and Alan was rushed to the hospital. The medical professionals were concerned that his condition was serious, and as he slipped into unconsciousness, the last thing he remembers being told is that his lungs were filling up with fluid.

The next day, as Alan recovered and regained consciousness, he was informed that he had to press the Ted Alert button to get the help he needed. The medical professionals also informed him that his heart had been shocked back into rhythm. And in his own words, there was no doubt about it; our button saved his life that night.

We’re incredibly grateful that our product was there to help Alan when he needed it the most. Knowing that we played a role in saving his life is a feeling that we cannot put into words. We’re dedicated to ensuring that our products continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our customers.

Alan’s story is a testament to the importance of having a reliable emergency response system. And we’re proud to be the ones that can provide that sense of safety and security to our customers. We encourage everyone to consider investing in an emergency response system like Ted Alert. You never know when you’ll need it.